Cal State Training Resources

Configuring and Generating QR Codes

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This article will provide instructions on how to configure the QR code properties and generate a QR code as a CSU Learn administrator.

Need to Know

  • Using a QR code requires the SumTotal mobile app
  • QR code can only be enabled for non-launchable, schedule trainings that do not have any child activities (curriculum and ILT courses will not generate QR codes)
  • QR codes can be generated from child activities such as courses or ILT classes
  • Administrators will need to work with instructors if they want to scan user’s profile QR code or enable the QR attendance workflow (listed in the instructions below)
  • A QR code will allow learners to scan and have their attendance marked completed
  • Administrators must specify when the QR code can be scanned to receive credit
  • Completion scanned from the mobile app will automatically update in CSU Learn and can reduce the manual work of an instructor to update

The SumTotal mobile app is not required for users to download. Administrators and Instructors cannot require users to download the app to their personal device. By downloading the app, the user recognizes the use of a personal device to preform work / compliance related actions.

Table of Contents

Configuring QR Code Attendance Properties

  1. Click on Administration > Quick Links > Learning Activities
  2. Search for your activity and click EDIT (or create a new activity)
  3. Click Send to Stage
  4. Go to Optional > Configure General Properties for your activity > Grading and Completion
  5. Scroll to the bottom and check the box “Generate an attendance QR code for this activity

Please work with your instructors to determine if you want them to scan a user’s QR code to record attendance or if you want the user to scan and self-mark themselves completed. This will determine which workflow you will use.

Note the properties below are set by default, however, the administrator upon set-up can modify the properties directly in the activity to align with the workflow that works best for that activity

You’ll need to consider each option below on how you want the QR code to operate based on these properties.

Require a user with roster access to approve the learner’s scanned attendance before they’re marked complete

The learner’s scanned attendance must be approved by an administrator with roster access before the learner gets marked “Attended.” If you disable this setting, the learner gets marked “Attended” as soon as they scan the QR code.

If you select this option, please review the article Approving and Rejecting Scanned QR Code Attendance

Learners can only scan the attendance QR code during a set time window

If you enable this setting, you also need to choose a time window when the QR code is “active” so learners who do not attend the training cannot scan the code and get credit for it. You can make the code active before, after, or during the activity’s start and end times. If you disable this setting, learners can scan the QR code at any time.

Make sure to set the properties for the QR code before moving onto the next steps

6. Once you have decided on your QR code properties, navigate to Optional > Web Based Training > General

7. Check the box next to User can launch or register from the Mobile app

8. Click OK

9. Validate for Production

Make sure all your other activity properties are configured prior to validating for production.

How to Generate an Attendance QR Code from a Computer

  1. Click on Administration > Quick Links > Learning Activities
  2. Search for your activity and click the down arrow next to the EDIT button and click Mange Roster
  3. At the top-left of the activity roster (under the activity’s basic details), click View Attendance QR Code to generate the code. If you don’t see this link, the activity does not contain an attendance QR code

4.  The attendance QR code page lists the QR code along with the activity’s start date, end date, and the QR code’s active time frame (if applicable).

If the QR code has a section above it that says "You can scan this QR code to mark your attendance any time between: [time frame]," this means the code is only active during the specified times. Ensure your learners scan the code during this time frame so their attendance gets marked.

5.  Click the print icon to print the QR code page. You could also save a screenshot if you'd rather post the code digitally (such as on a tablet or projector).

6.  Post this QR code somewhere the attendees can clearly since it so that they scan their attendance.

Prior to the session, inform the attendees that they should download the SumTotal Mobile app as they will need to use it to mark their attendance. For instructions on how to download the mobile app, please refer to the SumTotal mobile app article.

How to Generate an Attendance QR Code from the SumTotal Mobile App

The following will allow instructors to generate the QR code for the activity directly from the SumTotal mobile app

  1. Login to the SumTotal Mobile App
  2. Click the menu on the top left

3. Click Instructor Schedule. If you do not see an instructor schedule button, contact your campus LMS administrator for assistance.

4. Find the activity and click Roster. Note, you may have to click on upcoming or previous if the class has not happened or was a class in the past.

5. Click QR Code next to the activity’s name. If you don’t see this link, the activity does not contain an attendance QR code. Reach out to Domain Administrator to activate the QR Code.

6. Click Download. This will allow you to post the QR Code either someone in the room or add it to the end of your presentation (this will allow learners to mark themselves as attended).

Previous Article Scanning a Learners QR Code as an Instructor
Next Article Approving and Rejecting Scanned QR Code Attendance
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