This article will cover how to update the roster for your Principles of Supervision curriculum(s).
- The roster is where administrators can register, waive, or mark users as attended.
- Accurately marking course completions and waiving courses as necessary ensures completions are tracked at the curriculum level and reported accurately in the Principles of Supervision Systemwide Completion Reports.
- The roster does NOT assign users to training.
Table of Contents
Go to How to Register a User for an Activity for more information about how to add users to the roster.
How to Update a User’s Status (Such as Attended, Canceled, No Show)
Once a session has been completed or some sort of status needs to be attached to a user, roster management will be the most important and frequent task an instructor will complete. We ask that for any sessions, you confirm who attended and what % of time spent in the session constitutes “attended” status.
If a user missed one ILT class but otherwise made up the class or work to sufficiently meet all program requirements, you will need to mark the course as 'Waived' in order for the Completion to be recorded at the curriculum level. Go to Granting Waivers for more information about best practices for waiving users.
Step 1: You will need to select each ILT activity to update the user's status.
Step 2: Make sure you have the View set to Completion Information.
Step 3: Show Records includes all records (e.g. if you have 40 people on your roster, make sure Show Records is selected for 50 or above).
Step 4: Check the boxes next to all the users who have the same status (e.g. 38 out of 40 users attended, you could select the two users who didn’t attend and change their status to “no show” and then change your filter to Registered and select the remaining users to mark them as attended).
Tip: To save time, you may choose to bulk import attendance by filtering the roster. Please go to the Principles of Supervision Bulk Import Attendance Instructions article for more information.
Step 5: Once you have selected the boxes with the users of the same status, go up to the drop-down Status and update it to the correct status (attended, canceled, no show, etc.).
Reminder: If a user missed one ILT class but otherwise made up the class or work to sufficiently meet all program requirements, you will need to mark the course as 'Waived' in order for the Completion to be recorded at the curriculum level. Go to Granting Waivers for more information about best practices for waiving users.
Step 6: Select the State Date of the event on the calendar to the date of the event.
- If marking attended, you’ll need to indicate if they completed (yes, no, partial). To simplify things, only mark users completed if they have actually completed the course or met the requirement.
- If marking someone as a no-show or canceled, you will need to set the status and the date (continue to use the session date for this as well). The other options will be greyed out.
- If marking someone as waived for an ILT class, you will need to set the status and the date and after you click Apply, you can add your reason for the waive. For more information on how to grant waivers, please refer to How to Grant Waivers article.
Step 7: Select Yes under the Completed dropdown.
Step 8: Once all the status information has been inputted, click OK, Apply, or Apply to All (depending on the scenario) to trigger the update to the roster.
Step 9: Prompt will appear confirming you want to update them from the roster. Click OK.
Step 10: Roster will update with status provided.
Common Tasks for Instructor
We have broken down common actions / tasks an instructor will take when managing the roster and outlined step by step how to complete each. Please note all tasks start by being in the activity roster area. The steps below will reference the screenshot (and the corresponding numbers).
Accessing the Instructor Schedule
As you are designated as an instructor for your learning activities, you can access all your upcoming and previous instructor lead training sessions via the Instructor Schedule.
Step 1: To access the instructor schedule, click on Self > Quick Links > Instructor Schedule.

Step 2: Instructor Schedule will default to any current activities that have not passed in the default view. To access past sessions or to change the view, click on the View drop-down menu.
Step 3: Once you have the training session populated you will have two options as an instructor to toggle between:
- View Activity Roster: Click the dual-person icon and you will be able to manage the roster.
- Activity Roster Report: Click the book with magnifying glass icon and you will be able to print out a sign-in sheet for all registered users.
Step 4: Click on the View Activity Roster icon to manage the activity roster.
How to Register a User for an Activity
Refer to the How to Register a User for an Activity article for information on how to add a user to the roster / waiting list.
How to Remove a User From the Roster / Waiting List
The following steps will allow you, as the instructor, to remove users from the roster, presumably as a request by the user. Please note the user can cancel their registration or remove themselves from the waiting list on their own without the need for the instructor to do so on their behalf.
Removing from the Roster
- Make sure you have the View to Completion Information.
- Check the box (or boxes) next to the user(s) you would like to remove.
- Click the Remove button.
- A prompt will appear confirming you want to remove them from the roster. Click on the OK button.
- User(s) will be removed from the roster (and opening up a new roster spot).
Removing from the Waiting list
- Make sure you change the View to Waiting List.
- Check the box (or boxes) next to the user(s) you would like to remove.
- Click the Remove button or remove all if you want to remove every user.
- The page will refresh and the user(s) will be removed from the waiting list.
How to Move a User from the Waiting List to the Roster
Once you have landed on the activity roster page there are a few different actions you can take. Please first review the screenshot below as the roster has a lot of different options that might be useful to the instructor.
- Activity Details (Summary): This summarizes the information about your session within CSU Learn (SumTotal).
- Search: This allows you to search for a specific user on the activity roster (when looking to see if a user is on the roster or to change the status of a specific user).
- View: Toggle between Completion information (default) and Waiting list.
- Add / Remove: The ability to add / remove users from the roster or the waiting list.
- Show Records: Toggles the number of users seen on the page (helpful when changing multiple users’ statuses).
- Reports: Ability to pull down the sign-in sheet (in-person), certificates of completion (diploma), and name tents (in-person).
- Roster Management: This area is where the instructor / administrator can update the status of a user (e.g. attended, no-show, etc.).
Users being moved from a waitlist to the roster will happen automatically once a roster spot opens up (either via removal or cancellation). You as the instructor can always manually move users from the waiting list to the roster even if it exceeds the maximum capacity. Once registration is closed, the system will NOT automatically move users from the waiting list to the roster. This is where instructors may have to go in and move them manually.
- Make sure you change the View to Waiting List.
- Check the box (or boxes) next to the user(s) you would like to move to the roster.
- Click on Move To Roster or Move All To Roster. Once clicked they will be moved over to the roster (no verification required).
Select one of the articles below to perform the desired task:
- Principles of Supervision Bulk Import Attendance Instructions
- Principles of Supervision Virtual Curriculum Instructions
- Principles of Supervision In-person Curriculum Instructions
- How to Manage the Roster in Shared Domains
- Setting Up Instructor Access
- Manager Assignments
- How to Register a User for an Activity
- Granting Waivers
- Manager Dashboard
This concludes how to manage the roster for the Principles of Supervision Curriculum(s).