Cal State Training Resources

Training Analysis Page

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This article will show the how to access the Training Analysis page to see all assigned training in CSU Learn, regardless of when the assignment is due.

Table of Contents

How to Navigate to the Training Analysis Page

Step 1: Login to the training platform

Step 2: From the home dashboard page, click on Self > Quick Links > Training Analysis


Self Menu expanded to show Quick Links and Training Analysis sections

Understanding the Training Analysis Page

By default, the Training Analysis Page will show the view "All assigned training". This view is most useful for learners as it will show all assigned training, the assign date, last completed date, expiration date and the assignment status

Training Analysis page default view, all assigned training

The following information will define each section on the default view on the Training Analysis page.

Name: Name of the activity

Code: Code of the activity

Priority: Priority of the activity if provided during assignment (e.g. Mandatory, High, Medium, Low)

Assign Date: Date activity was assigned to you as the learner

Last Completed Date: The last completion record for the activity listed

Expiration Date: If the activity is required to be taken more than once, the expiration date will be listed. Each completion will update the expiration date to the next cycle

Assignment Type: The assignment can either be Required or Recommended (as designated by the administration who assigned the activity)

Assignment Status: Current status of the assignment (Acquired, Expiring soon, Expired, In progress, Overdue, Registered)

Assignments Satisfied Late: This button will show all assignments which were satisfied after the due date / expiration date.

Changing Views / Filters on Training Analysis Page

The training analysis page also provides additional views and filters for additional information that would be useful for training assignments


The view drop down will allow you to switch the view of the training analysis page to provide additional details for required and recommended training.

View drop down menu to show additional menu options

All assigned training: Default view to show all assigned training for a user

Training assigned by job: Shows activities that have been assigned by the user's job code

Training assigned by organization: Shows activities that have been assigned by a users department, bargaining unit or other organizations a user belongs to

Training assigned directly: Shows activities assigned directly to the user

Training Certifications: Shows all activities designated as certifications (most compliance related assignments are set up as certifications)

Assigned training requiring registration: Shows all activities which requires registration to access activity

Completed assigned training: Shows all assigned activities that have been completed (mirrors the default view)

Certifications history: Shows all certification activities that have been completed which is a running list of expired and acquired certifications during the user's employment (similar to a user's training transcript)

The default view "all assigned training" will be the most useful view for learners.

Filter by

The Filter by drop down will filter between required and recommended activities (or both required and recommended, which is the default)


View of filter by drop down menu to show required and recommended filter status

Search and Export

Additionally you can export any view from the Training Analysis page and search for specific assigned training utilizing the search bar.

Print and Export options
Search bar

Please note, we are not currently utilizing development plans, so the Task > Add to development plan is not utilized or needed for CSU employees at this time

This concludes how to navigate and use the Training Analysis page.

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