This article provides instructions for enabling parent-child activity management settings in CSU Learn. With this feature, admins can update existing curricula by removing outdated courses and/or adding new ones, without needing to create a new curriculum.
Impact and Considerations
- Permanent Change: Once you enable this setting and move the activity to production, it cannot be disabled.
- Supported Activity Types: You may enable this setting for any activity type except CE Requirement Types and CE Credit Categories. For activities without child activities, enabling this setting has no impact..
- Interaction with Retraining: If the "Enable retraining" option is active for a parent activity, parent-child activity management options will be unavailable. Both options cannot coexist as “Enable retraining” already prompts learners to complete newly added child activities. If both options are enabled, you cannot move the activity to production. Disable one to proceed.
Step 1: Go to Administration > Quick Links > Learning Activities.
Step 2: Search for the learning activity that you want to enable the setting for.
Step 3: Click on Edit.
Step 4: On the bottom left corner, click the Send to Stage button.
Step 5: Click on the Optional button in the bottom right corner.
Step 6: Go to General Properties > Status.
Step 7: Check the Can configure parent-child activity management options box to activate management options within the structure.
Step 8: Once this is done, click on the OK button on the bottom right corner.
For more information on adding new activities to this curriculum before moving into production, go to this article.
Step 9: Add new child activities
- Click New and select an activity type to create a direct child activity from scratch.
- Click Actions > Copy to create a new direct child activity from an existing activity.
- Click Actions > Subscribe to select an existing activity that will become available through the current activity structure (as a link, not a copy).
Step 10: Remove any child activities that learners don’t need to complete anymore.
- Click the child activity’s name.
- Select Actions > Delete.
Tip: If you change your mind or click the wrong activity, you can select the child activity again and select Actions > Restore to undo the deletion.
Step 11: Make sure your completion and registration requirements match your current activity structure.
For example, say you had a seven-activity curriculum and retired two activities, making the new total five. If you previously required users to complete six activities to complete the curriculum, then they won't be able to complete the new structure. You need to update these properties.
- Click Optional.
- Select Grading and Completion.
- Update the Number of child activities to successfully complete as needed. Remember that blank (null) means “every child activity must be completed.”
- Update Pick rule and Number of child activities to pick as needed.
- Click OK.
Step 12: If you added one or more activities, decide how you want to handle learners currently on the roster. You will be prompted with a pop-up once you click on the Validate for Production button. Your selection applies to new direct and subscribed child activities.
Important: Once an administrator chooses how to handle added activities and moves the parent activity to production, the settings are locked and not editable. If you’re configuring these settings, make sure your selections reflect how you want to handle all future added activities for this structure.
You can choose to automatically register learners to the new child activities based their registration status on the parent’s roster: Registered or In Progress and Attended.
- If you choose to auto-register, then applicable learners get registered to the new activities as soon as you move the structure back to production.
Important: Remember that registration audience rules do not apply to auto-registration workflows. If the learner meets the auto-register rules for an added activity, they will be auto-registered even if they are not part of the child activity's registration audience. Once registered, they can launch and complete the activity.
- If you do not choose to auto-register, the behavior varies depending on the status:
- Registered or In Progress: Learners are not auto-registered to any new activities. However, depending on grading and completion properties, they may still need to complete the new activities in order to complete the structure.
- Attended: Learners retain their Attended status on the structure and don’t need to do anything else.

Regardless of your selection, learners can view and access the new activities from the parent’s details page.
Step 13: If you removed one or more activities, decide how you want to handle learners currently on the roster. Your selection applies to removed direct and subscribed child activities.
- Retain training records: The system performs a “soft” deletion so that the roster maintains existing records and the child activity is still visible on the parent’s activity list, though it is crossed-out and view-only.
- Delete training records: The system performs a “hard” deletion so that all data related to the child’s roster record is deleted and the child activity no longer displays on the parent’s activity list. In the case of direct children, the activity itself is also deleted.
Regardless of your selection, any learner with a Registered or In Progress status on the removed child activity has their registration canceled and the activities are no longer launchable from the parent’s details page.
Step 14: When ready, click the Validate for Production button.
Step 15: Click on the Move to Production button.
This concludes the article on enabling parent-child activity management settings in CSU Learn.