This article covers how to assign direct reports training (as a manager).
- Managers have the ability to assign activities to their direct reports.
- Manager-assigned training intended for development assignments and not assignments related to compliance training.
- Compliance training should be assigned by your campus LMS administrator. If an employee is assigned training via manager assignment, they will not receive a notification to complete training
- If you are interested in assigning multiple users or an entire department, the manager should inquire about more advanced security role to assign multiple users at once.
How to Assign Direct Reports Training (as a Manager)
Step 1: Login to the Training Platform.
Go to the How to Login Article for instructions.
Before assigning, make sure you have the My Team menu at the top of the screen. If you do not see this menu, the data we receive from PeopleSoft does not indicate your position has positions reporting to it. This would need to be resolved by IT if there is a data error.
Step 2: Type the learning activity you would like to assign in the Search bar.
Step 3: Under the Learning drop-down menu, search the course you would like to assign to your direct report.

Step 4: Once the search results populate, click on the More Actions icon and click the option for Manage Assignments (if you do not see this button, you are not listed as a manager in the system).
Step 5: The Manage Assignments window will pop up. It will list any employees that currently assigned to the activity.
Step 6: Click the Add button on this screen to add one (or more) direct reports to this learning activity.
Step 7: The next screen will prompt you to add the users (you as a manager) have the ability to assign. Check the box next to the user(s) name (scroll down) and click on the Next button.
Step 8: The next screen will allow you to set up the Assignment Options for this learning activity.
Step 9: Under Type, you can select Required or Recommended.
Step 10: You can check the box to Ignore Previous Completions if the learner previously completed the activity and you would like them to completed again. This option is not necessary for new assignments.
Step 11: For the Start Date, always leave the start date as today’s date (which is the default). Do NOT input a value for “days from today” or “On”.
Step 12: For Time Zone, leave as default UTC.
Step 13: For Priority, this allows you to specify the priority level for the assignment. Leaving as the default is completely acceptable unless there some sort of priority the manager would like to specify.
Step 14: For Due Date, if assigning the learning activity, please specify a due date.
- No Due Date: Learner does not have a specified time to complete the activity (no recommended).
- Within “X” days: Gives the user specified amount of day to complete the course (e.g. 7, 30, 60, etc.).
- By (Fixed Date): Gives users a specific date to complete training by.
Step 15: For Time Zone, leave as default UTC.
Step 16: For Assignment Notes, add any notes for the learner.
Step 17: For Status, leave as default of Assigned.
Step 18: Click on Apply to Selection button.
Step 19: Once completed click on the Done button.
This concludes how to assign direct reports training (as a manager).