Cal State Training Resources

Principles of Supervision In-person Curriculum Instructions

Updated on

This is the process of setting up the activities, reports, and audiences for the Principles of Supervision class. 


The following checklist will provide the high level tasks to be completed. Follow the instructions below to complete all the tasks.

System Notification Templates

Registration Confirmation Notification Set-up

Step 1: Go to Administration > Quick Links > System Notification Templates

Step 2: Click on New.

Step 3: Fill out the Template Name: Campus Name POS Registration Confirmation Notification.

  1. Example: Chancellor’s Office POS Registration Confirmation Notification

Step 4: Under the Template Type, select Activity - Registration Confirmation.

Step 5: Leave the Status as Active.

Step 6: Under Primary domain, select your campus domain.

Step 7: Under Description, provide any information to describe the notification.

Step 8: Under Language, leave it as English (United States).

Step 9: Under Subject, add "Your registration is confirmed for %ActivityName%"

Step 10: Under Body, you can modify this verbiage.

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<p>Dear %FirstName% %LastName%,</p>

<p>This is your confirmation for the Virtual Principles of Supervision course. See below for details</p>


<li><strong>Activity name:</strong> %ActivityName%</li>

<li><strong>Location:</strong> %Location% </li>

<li><strong>Start Date:</strong> %ActivityStartDate%</li>

<li><strong>End Date:</strong> %ActivityEndDate%</li>

<li><strong>Activity Description:</strong> The Principles of Supervision program consists of seven virtual classes to help supervisors establish goals and set standards to raise employee performance. Supervisors will also learn how to coach employees, foster teamwork, and delegate appropriately to employees so that they develop confidence and expand their skills.</li>

<li><strong>Student Notes:</strong> Each class has a required pre-class module. Please be sure to complete this prior to each live class. %ActivityURL%</li>


<p>Please contact <a href="[Insert Support’s Email Address] mailto:[InsertEmail]"> [Insert Name]</a> or your <a href="">Campus Admin</a> if you have any questions about this e-mail.</p>

<p>Remember to complete the required online course prior to each live class.</p>



Step 11: Under Valid Placeholders, leave it as is.

Step 12: Click on OK to save the notification.

Go to How to Create Custom Notification Templates for more information.

Reminder Notification Set-up

Step 1: Go to Administration > Quick Links > System Notification Templates

Step 2: Click on New.

Step 3: Fill out the Template Name: Campus Name POS Reminder Notification.

  1. Example: Chancellor’s Office POS Reminder Notification  

Step 4: Under the Template Type, select Activity  Reminder.

Step 5: Leave the Status as Active.

Step 6: Under Primary domain, select your campus domain.

Step 7: Under Description, provide any information to describe the notification.

Step 8: Under Language, leave it as English (United States).

Step 9: Under Subject, add "Reminder for %ActivityName%"

Step 10: Under Body, you can modify this verbiage.

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<p>Dear %FirstName% %LastName%,</p>

<p>This is a reminder for the Virtual Principles of Supervision course. See below for details</p>


<li><strong>Activity name:</strong> %ActivityName%</li>

<li><strong>Location:</strong> %Location% </li>

<li><strong>Start Date:</strong> %ActivityStartDate%</li>

<li><strong>End Date:</strong> %ActivityEndDate%</li>

<li><strong>Activity Description:</strong> The Principles of Supervision program consists of seven virtual classes to help supervisors establish goals and set standards to raise employee performance. Supervisors will also learn how to coach employees, foster teamwork, and delegate appropriately to employees so that they develop confidence and expand their skills.</li>

<li><strong>Student Notes:</strong> Each class has a required pre-class module. Please be sure to complete this prior to each live class. %ActivityURL%</li>


<p>Please contact <a href="[Insert Support’s Email Address] mailto:[InsertEmail]"> [Insert Name]</a> or your <a href="">Campus Admin</a> if you have any questions about this e-mail.</p>

<p>Remember to complete the required online course prior to each live class.</p>



Step 11: Under Valid Placeholders, leave it as is.

Step 12: Click on OK to save the notification.

Go to How to Create Custom Notification Templates for more information.

Audience Set-up

Step 1: Go to Administration > Quick Links > Audiences to create a new audience with this cohort.

Step 2: Click New.

Step 3: Under Name, type "Principles of Supervision MONTH YEAR Cohort (month / year will change with each cohort)."

  1. Example: Principles of Supervision March 2023

Step 4: Under Code, type "CAMPUSNAME-AUDI-VPOSMONTHYEAR (month / year will change with each cohort)."

  1. Example: CO-AUDI-VPOSMARCH2023

Step 5: Under Description, add "Audience for Principles of Supervision March 2023 Cohort."

Step 6: Under Rule Set

  1. Click the radio button next to Rule Set and click the arrow new to Add rule
  2. Chose User is… as your rule set
  3. Click Add
  4. Add the users (by CEPID) who have registered for the cohort
  5. Select all the users and click OK
  6. Click OK again to add them to the rule
  7. Refresh the audience

Go to How to Create an Audience for more information.

Location Set-up

If you are holding in-person sessions at your campus, you will need to create a location. Please note some campuses have imported a list of their locations, feel free to search before creating a new location.

Step 1: Go to Administration > Search Locations > Click on New

Step 2: Provide the required (*) information and necessary optional information

Step 3: Click Browse next to Facility to attach the location to the facility

  1. If this a new facility, follow the instructions in Facility Set-up

Step 4: Recommend adding a Maximum capacity to location

Step 5: Click OK to save your location

Go to Locations for more information.

Facility Set-up

Please note some campuses have imported a list of their facilities, feel free to search before creating a new facility.

Step 1: Go to Administration > Search Facilities > Click on New

Step 2: Provide the required (*) information and necessary optional information

Step 3: Click OK to save your facility

Go to Facilities for more information.

Curriculum / ILT Set-up

Step 1: Go to Administration > Quick Links > Learning Activities > New Activity > Curriculum

Step 2: Fill out the following information:

  1. Name: Principles of Supervision (Online)
  2. Image: Insert Images
  3. Code: [Campus Domain]-CURRIC-[MONTH YEAR] (e.g. CSU-CURRIC-MARCH2023)
  4. Update description (see Curriculum Description (HTML) below)
  5. Owner: Admin responsible for managing the roster
  6. Keywords: Principles of Supervision
  7. Notifications: Leave the default notification and add Waiting List Addition Notification
  8. Go To Optional > Configure general properties for your activity > Status > select Hide curriculum from search and Can be copied 
  9. Go To Optional > Resources > Instructor (Attach instructor if CSU employee)
  10. Go To Optional > Registration > Availability and add maximum capacity
  11. Go To Optional > Registration > Uncheck "Allow One-Click Registration"

Step 3: Add code for Principles of Supervision.

  1. In order to run reports on all POS curriculums that are created, you will need to add a code
  2. Click on Optional
  3. Under Metadata click on Optional Information
  4. Add in Text 1 field: CPOS
    1. Campus Principles of Supervision (CPOS)
  5. Click on Ok

If you are not charging a registration fee, skip Step 3 and go to Step 4.

Step 4: Add Recharge settings

  1. Click on View Tracks (left hand side panel)
  2. Under Properties, Click Costs
  3. Under Pricing Model, check the radio button next to “Use fixed pricing for track (no e-commerce)”
  4. Under Payment Method, check the box “Recharge”
  5. Under Track Price and Fee input the Track price
  6. Click Ok
  7. Click View Activities to get back to the Activity editor

Step 5: Subscribe POS Modules 1-7

  1. On the left hand side panel click Actions > Subscribe
  2. Search for Principles of Supervision modules 1-7 (changing the drop down for activity type to course, will make search results more defined)
    1. Principles of Supervision Module 1 Course Code: CSU-SCORM-POS1
    2. Principles of Supervision Module 2 Course Code: CSU-SCORM-POS2
    3. Principles of Supervision Module 3 Course Code: CSU-SCORM-POS3
    4. Principles of Supervision Module 4 Course Code: CSU-SCORM-POS4
    5. Principles of Supervision Module 5 Course Code: CSU-SCORM-POS5
    6. Principles of Supervision Module 6 Course Code: CSU-SCORM-POS6
    7. Principles of Supervision Module 7 Course Code: CSU-SCORM-POS7

Step 6: Once all 7 are selected, scroll to the bottom and click the Subscription Properties button.

Step 7: Click Add subscription (do not check any boxes).

Step 8: Make sure modules are in chronological order. You can move them up or down by clicking on the title and dragging them to the correct position.

Step 9: Click Save.

Go to How to Create a Curriculum for more information.

Step 10: Add ILT Classes for each module (1-7).

  1. On the left hand panel, click on the Curriculum (parent topic)
  2. Then click on New > ILT Class (this will create the child activity under the curriculum)
  3. A new ILT class will appear at the bottom of your curriculum structure. Drag the activity underneath the corresponding online modules (e.g. Module 1, ILT 1)
  4. See below for ILT Titles, codes and description
    1. Update Title: (see ILT Course Name, Codes, and Descriptions below)
    2. Images: Insert Images
    3. Update Code: (see ILT Course Name, Codes, and Descriptions below)
    4. Description: Will need to update for specific class (see ILT Course Name, Codes, and Descriptions below)
    5. Owner: Admin responsible for managing the roster
    6. Add dates and time
    7. Inactivate default notification templates (Click the drop down view to Active and select all and Inactivate)
    8. Activate Notification Templates
      1. Change the drop down view to ALL
      2. Search for Registration Confirmation Notification and check the box next to the template and click activate
      3. Search for Learning Activity Reminder Notification and check the box next to the template and click activate
      4. Clear your search results (delete any words in the search box). Change the view back to Active (you should see the two active templates from steps 2 and 3)
    9. Attach custom VPOS notification templates
      1. Click pencil next to Learning Activity Reminder Notification template
      2. Click the Browse button (make sure you are in the global domain when updating notification templates)
      3. Check the radio button for VPOS ILT Reminder Notification and click OK
      4. Scroll to the bottom and click OK
      5. A dialogue box will let you know the notification templates will update, just click OK
      6. Repeat steps 1-5 for Registration Confirmation Notification
      7. Click Save after both notification templates have been added
    10. Repeat steps i -ix for each ILT module (so basically doing this a total of 7 times

Note: It’s important to add the metadata code so you can accurately track your course using the Principles of Supervision Systemwide Completion Reports. Failure to include this exact metadata code will result in under-reporting of your participation numbers in the Principles of Supervision Systemwide Completion Reports.

Step 11: Enforce registration for all classes at once.

  1. Go to View Tracks > Relationships > Learning Activities
  2. Uncheck "Select this checkbox to allow users to register for activities of their own choice. Not selecting this will enforce the pick rule defined for the track."
  3. Under the second column "Principles of Supervision (In-Person)" click on the checkbox for each activity. You will select 14 checkboxes.
  4. Click on Ok
  5. Click on View Activities

Step 12: Once everything is built and organized in order, push the activity to production. Click on Move to Production > Validate for Production.

Report Set-up

Below is information how to set-up the reports.

Completion Report Set-up

  1. Go to Self > Quick Links > Advanced Reporting
  2. Follow the path to the VPOS Completion Report
    1. CSU_PROD > Custom > Reports > _Templates > VPOS Folder
  3. Select the VPOS Ad HOC View (COPY ONLY) and click on the Copy button
  4. Paste the copy in your campus folder
  5. You can click on the Ad Hoc and modify the report as needed
  6. To save the Ad Hoc report and create a report view, click on the Disc icon and select the “Save Ad Hoc View and Create Report”
  7. Fill out the required fields (Data View Name & Report View) and a description of your Ad Hoc view and Report
  8. Select the following from the dropdown on both view/report: CSU_PROD > Custom > Reports > Select your Campus and click Save
  9. Once the report has saved, you can go back to Self > Learning > Reporting > Advanced Reporting and search for the report you created (CSU_PROD > Custom > Reports > Select your Campus).

Completion Report Schedule

  1. Find your campus VPOS Completion Report
  2. Right click and choose Schedule
  3. Click Create Schedule tab
    1. Change Recurrence Type to Calendar
    2. Months: Select months - the month you want to run the report
    3. Select Days: Dates  in the month  - the days that correspond to the dates of the virtual ILT session (e.g. 1st, 5th, 14th,)
    4. Times: Input hours and minutes (ask instructor what time they want to get the report, typically 30 minutes prior to the start of the ILT class (e.g. 9:00 a.m. for a 9:30 a.m. start time)
    5. Schedule End: Select a date after the last session to stop sending the report
  4. Click Parameters Tab(top right)
    1. Activity codes: 7 POS modules should already be selected
    2. Change Audience code to the audience created for the cohort
  5. Click Output Options
    1. Output Locale: en  English
    2. Formats: Change to csv (uncheck PDF)
    3. Output Destination: Uncheck Output to repository
  6. Click Notifications
    1. To: Instructor
    2. CC: Anyone that needs to receive the report
    3. Subject: Principles of Supervision Completion Report for (Month / Year) Cohort  
    4. Message: This is your completion report for the online POS modules for (Month / Year) Cohort  
    5. Leave “include Report files as attachments” checked
    6. Click Save
    7. Name of Report: Principles of Supervision Completion Report for (Month / Year) Cohort
    8. Description: Optional
    9. Click Save

Go to How to Create a Report Schedule for more information.

Managing the Roster

  1. Go to Administration > Quick Links > Learning Activities
  2. Search for the Learning Activity
  3. Under the Actions column, click on the down arrow and select “Manage Roster
  4. Select the POS ILT Class that was held. It will have the Activity Type as ILT Class and the date the session was held.
    1. You will need to update the roster for all 7 ILT sessions that were held in the Principles of Supervision Curriculum.
  5. In the Search field, search for the user(s) that you are trying to update the roster for. You can also browse the users on the activity list
  6. Once you have found the user(s) you are trying to mark as attended, select the check box next to the user’s name, then fill out the following fields. You can select more than one user to mark their attendance.
    1. Status: Attended
    2. Status Date: Date the session was held.
    3. Pass/Fail: Passed
    4. Completed: Yes
  7. Click on the Apply or Apply to All button.


Below are optional curriculum, ILT course name, codes and descriptions that you can use when building your activities.  

Curriculum Description (HTML)

<p>Often an individual is working in a supervisory role because they have demonstrated expert skills in their past positions. Now in the role of leading others, they are expected to use a new set of skills but may have not been given the opportunity to learn how to supervise effectively. Supervising in the modern workplace provides additional complexities, such as the challenge of meeting the needs of diverse teams in a remote work environment.</p>

<p>To provide these crucial supervision skills, Systemwide Learning &amp; Development offers the Principles of Supervision program. Designed for managers, supervisors, and leads who are either new to supervising others or already manage a team but need a “refresher”, this interactive, workshop-style course covers fundamental supervision skills. Formerly a 2-day in-person course, it’s now online (asynchronous and synchronous) over a 2 or 3-week period.</p>

<p>The program will guide you through seven modules:</p>

<p><strong>Module 1:</strong> Introduction to Supervision</p>

<p><strong>Module 2:</strong> Managing Yourself</p>

<p><strong>Module 3:</strong> Managing Performance</p>

<p><strong>Module 4:</strong> Motivation &amp; Engagement</p>

<p><strong>Module 5:</strong> Evaluation &amp; Feedback</p>

<p><strong>Module 6:</strong> Guiding &amp; Organizing the Work</p>

<p><strong>Module 7:</strong> Team Culture &amp; Relationships</p>

<p>At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:</p>


<li>Describe the core responsibilities and role of a supervisor</li>

<li>Establish goals and set standards that raise employee performance</li>

<li>Coach employees on performance</li>

<li>Lead development discussions with high-performing employees</li>

<li>Diagnose reasons for performance problems and how to address them</li>

<li>Personalize the approach you use to motivate employees</li>

<li>Take steps to increase employee engagement</li>

<li>Describe how the basic functions of management impact goal achievement</li>

<li>Delegate to help employees develop confidence and expand their skills</li>

<li>Describe where you need to focus your relationship-building efforts</li>

<li>Promote communication by role-modeling essential skills</li>

<li>Take actions to foster and improve teamwork</li>

<li>Describe how your personality traits impact behavior</li>


<p>Develop supervision skills more efficiently and effectively</p>

ILT Course Name, Codes, and Descriptions Examples

Name: Module 1: The Role of a Supervisor 

Code: [Campus Domain]-ILTCLSS-VPOS1-MARCH2023 (this will update with each cohort)

Description: This module introduces the Supervisory Skills Framework and invites you to consider the core role and responsibilities of a supervisor. This module also introduces you to the concept of an "Accountability Partner" or someone who can help you digest, practice and maximize learning in this course.

Name: Module 2: Managing Yourself

Code: [Campus Domain]-ILTCLSS-VPOS2-MARCH2023 (this will update with each cohort)

Description: “It all begins with YOU!” This segment allows for self-assessment using an instrument to capitalize on your strengths and that of direct reports.

Name: Module 3: Managing Performance

Code: [Campus Domain]-ILTCLSS-VPOS3-MARCH2023 (this will update with each cohort)

Description: Supervision starts with setting expectations for performance. Supervisors must work with employees to plan, monitor and evaluate work done by the people on their team This module examines how to set and communicate measurable performance and behavioral standards.

Name: Module 4: Motivation & Engagement

Code: [Campus Domain]-ILTCLSS-VPOS4- MARCH2023 (this will update with each cohort)

Description: Motivation and engagement are both critical factors in the productivity of individuals and the collaborative success of your team. This module examines theories of motivation and how to engage team members to maximize performance of individuals and teams.

Name: Module 5: Evaluation & Feedback

Code: [Campus Domain]-ILTCLSS-VPOS5-MARCH2023 (this will update with each cohort)

Description: Developing the capacities of direct reports to perform is crucial to the role of the supervisor. This module examines how to coach and develop direct reports to address performance expectations by addressing their developmental needs through effective feedback.

Name: Module 6: Guiding and Organizing the Work

Code: [Campus Domain]-ILTCLSS-VPOS6-MARCH2023 (this will update with each cohort)

Description: Effective supervisors can guide the work of a complex team through developing and enlisting others based on their strengths, as well as managing competing priorities. This module examines best practices in management functions, such as planning and guiding work, delegation, time management and supervising in a unionized environment.

Name: Module 7: Team Culture and Relationships

Code: [Campus Domain]-ILTCLSS-VPOS7-MARCH2023 (this will update with each cohort)

Description: Successful supervisors develop positive relationships with their employees and help the team to get along with each other. The relationships that supervisors grow with their direct reports should be built on a foundation of trust and clear communications. This module addresses developing a collaborative environment, listening skills, and characteristics of high performing teams.

This concludes how to create Principles of Supervision In-person Curriculum Instructions.

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Next Article How to Cancel an ILT Activity as an Instructor or Administrator
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