Cal State Training Resources

How to Upload / Replace SCORM Files

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This article will cover how to upload a course into SumTotal.


  • SCORM based content is the recommended output type for tracking in CSU Learn.
  • SCORM files should be zipped and the zip file is what is uploaded into CSU Learn.
  • Videos and documents can also be uploaded, but will not track like SCORM.
  • All files uploaded MUST have a unique code (duplicate codes are not accepted).
  • SCORM content can be replaced without having to go through the file upload process.
  • Only upload content that is learning-related and needs to be tracked.

When creating a new online course, do not use the “course” option on the Learning Activities page > New Activity button. Instead, use the File Upload button and follow the steps below.

How to Upload a SCORM File

Step 1:  Go to Administration > Quick Links > Learning Activities.

Green step one is to click on Administration. Green step two is to click on Quick Links. Green step three is to click on Learning Activities.

Step 2: Click on the File Upload button.

Green highlight box showing the location of the File Upload button.

Step 3: On the File Upload page, select to upload a single file.

Always load files to the staging area.

Green highlight box showing the location of the single file upload.

Step 4: Click on the Browse button to locate the file. Locate the file on your computer and click OK

Green highlight box showing the location of the Browse button.

 Step 5: Click on the Upload Files buttonThe files will start loading and will show the progress highlighted. 

Green highlight box showing the location of the Upload Files button.

Step 6: Once the file has uploaded (designated with a yellow done indicator), click on the Next button.

Green highlight box showing the location of the Next button.

Step 7: Input the information on the Properties page:

  1. Activity Name: Provide the name for the course.
  2. Description: Provide the learning objective for the course.
  3. Launch Method: The system will identify what type of SCORM output has been created (e.g. SCORM 1.2). If the section shows something other than SCORM, you will need to republish your SCORM file and zip it again before uploading. 
  4. Code: Provide the course code.
  5. Audience: The audience will default to the campus audience of the administrator uploading the file. If the activity requires a specific audience, you can change the audience here. 
  6. Activity Image: Upload an activity image. This should have a 16:9 ratio and be no larger than 221 x 124 pixels.

Use the standard naming conventions when uploading a file. All codes will start with your DOMAINID-FILE TYPE-(e.g. SCORM) and finally an intuitive, unique code (not the system-generated one). For example, a course on exposing hidden bias would have a code SFSU-SCORM-BIAS.

For more information on learning activity code standards, refer to the Learning Activity and Domain ID Codes article.

Green step one is activity name. Green step two is description field. Green step three is launch method field. Green step four is code field. Green step five is training available to audience field. Green step six is activity image field.

Step 8: Click on the Next button to configure settings.

Green highlight box showing the location of the Next button.

Step 9: Recommended to enable the following content player settings:

  1. Content Player Settings: Hide Sumtotal player navigation.
  2. Set the display options for the content player window: None (Default).
  3. Check the box for: Open content player in native mode (applies only to SCORM content).
Green step one is content player settings. Green step two is set the display options for the content player window. Green step three is open content play in native mode.

Step 10: Activity Settings

  1. Active (leave this box checked)
  2. Hide from search results (choose this option if):
    1. If you’re still testing a course.
    2. Do not want users to search for a course (only want it assigned).
    3. If it is part of a curriculum AND is compliance related.
  3. No registration required (choose this option if):
    1. Show Launch button without user registering for it
  4. Hide in Manager mode (do not enable this option)
  5. Hidden from Transcript (choose this option if):
    1. Non-learning activities that do not need to be tracked or displayed on a user’s transcript
  6. Can be subscribed (choose this option if):
    1. If the learning activity is part of a curriculum.
    2. If the activity will be shared across campuses
  7. Can be fulfilled (do not enable this option)
  8. Copy progress details to next attempt (do not enable this option)
  9. Available on Mobile (choose this option if):
    1. Content has been designed for mobile usage
    2. Content is responsive
    3. Provides a useful and meaningful learning experience on a mobile device
    4. Want users to be able to access this via the SumTotal mobile app
Green step one is the active checkbox. Green step two is hide from search results for learners and managers. Green step three is no registration required checkbox. Green step four is hide in manager mode checkbox. Green step five is hidden from transcript checkbox. Green step six can be subscribed checkbox. Green step seven is can be fulfilled checkbox. Green step eight is copy progress details to next attempt. Green step nine is user can launch or register from the mobile app checkbox.

BEST PRACTICE: Make sure the following areas are checked:

  • Active
  • No registration required (for SCORM content)
  • Can be Subscribed

Step 11: Click on the Upload button when completed.

Green highlight box showing the location of the Upload button.

Step 12: You can track the progress of your course upload by navigating to the File Upload screen and click on the Previously Uploaded tab. Once your course has uploaded, the title will change from grey text to blue hyperlinked text. Click the title of the course to modify the properties.

Green highlight box showing the location of the Previously Uploaded courses.

Step 13: Click Optional> Web Based Training > General and select the option: to enable content replacement when the manifest file is modified. This will allow you to update / replace the course in the future.

Green highlight box showing the location of the enable content replacement when manifest fiel is modified.

Step 14: Click on the Validate for Production button.

Green highlight box showing the location of the Validate for Production button.

Step 15: Click on the Move to Production button.

Green highlight box showing the location of the Move to Production button.

Your course will be available to learners in 5 minutes.

How to Update / Replace a SCORM File

As courses are updated due to changes in the law or outdated content, you can replace or update the course without having to upload a new activity with a new code. This allows you to replace the file with minimal disruption to your learners. Once the file is replaced, learners will automatically get the updated content upon their next launch.

Step 1: Go to Administration > Quick Links > Learning Activities to search for the activity.

Green step one is to click on Administration. Green step two is to click on Quick Links. Green step three is to click on Learning Activities to edit the course.

Step 2: Click on the Edit button.

Green highlight box showing the location of the edit button.

Step 3:  The Learning Activities page will display. Click on the Send to Stage button.   

Green highlight box showing the location of the Send to Stage button.

Step 4: The properties fields are now editable. Click on the Optional button to access the web based training general settings.

Green highlight box showing the location of the optional button.

Step 5: Under Web Based Training, click General.

Green highlight box showing the location of the General link.

Step 6: Under Replace Content, click Browse to upload your zipped SCORM file. You must enter a reason why you are replacing the activity. Click Upload to start the replacement.

A few things to consider before replacing / updating the content:

  1. If you made minimal changes to the course (text or graphic changes that don’t affect the structure), simply overwrite the course and keep the structure
  2. If you made structural changes (added /removed slides, media and resources) select replace the structure.
    1. An option will then pop up to keep those in progress or list them as registered, best practice is to register the employees.

When uploading content, the progress bar might display 100% but the content hasn’t fully uploaded until you see the dialog box asking if you want to keep or replace the current course structure.

Step 7: You will receive a window asking if you want to Keep the Structure or Replace the Structure. 

Green highlight box showing the location of the Keep the Structure and the Replace the Structure butons.

Step 8: You will receive a window asking if you want to Register or Keep the Users In-progress.

Green highlight box showing the location of the Re-register and Keep In-progress buttons.

Step 9: After you have replaced the course, click on the Validate for Production button. 

Green highlight box showing the location of the Validate for Production button.

Step 10: You may need to wait a couple of minutes before moving on to the next step to give the course some time to replace.

Example of error message that can prevent you from moving the activity into production.

Step 11: When the course is ready, click on the Move to Production button.

Green highlight box showing the location of the Move to Production button.

This concludes how to upload a course into SumTotal.

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