Cal State Training Resources

Principles of Supervision Systemwide Completion Reports

Updated on

This article covers how to access and edit the Principles of Supervision Reports. There are two reports that you can access.

  • All Systemwide Principles of Supervision Courses Report - This report will list everyone that attended the Systemwide Principles of Supervisions Courses from your campus. 
  • VPOS Completion Report - This report will allow you to build a customized report for a Principles of Supervision Course that your campus is offering. 

All Systemwide Principles of Supervision Courses Report

Login to the training platform (please go to the How to Login Article for more information).

If there are discrepancies in your report, verify the following (3) items are set up correctly: 

1.    You have created a curriculum in CSU Learn. Go to Principles of Supervision In-person Curriculum Instructions for more information.

2.    The curriculum uses the correct Metadata for reporting. Go to Curriculum / ILT Set-up (Step 10) for more information.

3.    All course completions are correctly marked at the curriculum level. Go to Principles of Supervision (PoS) Managing the Roster for more information.

If you are still experiencing issues, please reach out to L&[email protected].

Step 1: Go to Self > Quick Links > Advanced Reporting

Step 2: Follow the path to the All Systemwide Principles of Supervision Courses Report.

  • Path: CSU_PROD > Custom > Reports > _Templates > VPOS Folder

Step 3: Select the All Systemwide Principles of Supervision Courses Report.

Step 4: Click on the Options icon to select your campus.

Step 5: Under Company Name, select your campus. 

Step 6: Click on the Apply button. 

Step 7: Click on the OK button.

Step 8: Click on the Export icon to export the data.

Step 9: Open the file to review the information. 

If you want to edit the report to add or remove fields, follow the instructions in the VPOS Completion Report Set-up section. 

VPOS Completion Report Set-up

Login to the training platform (please go to the How to Login Article for more information).

Step 1: Go to Self > Quick Links > Advanced Reporting

Step 2: Follow the path to the VPOS Completion Report Ad Hoc.

  • Path: CSU_PROD > Custom > Reports > _Templates > VPOS Folder

Step 3: Select the VPOS Completion Report Ad HOC View (COPY ONLY) and click on the Copy button.

Step 4: Paste the copy in your campus folder.

Step 5: You can click on the Ad Hoc and modify the report as needed.

Step 6: To save the Ad Hoc report and create a report view, click on the Save Disc icon and select the Save Ad Hoc View and Create Report.

Step 7: Fill out the required fields (Data View Name & Report View) and a description of your Ad Hoc view and Report. 

Step 8: Select the following from the dropdown on both view/report to save your work: CSU_PROD > Custom > Reports > Select your Campus Folder and click Save.

Step 9: Once the report has been saved, you can go back to Self > Quick Links > Advanced Reporting and search for the report you created (CSU_PROD > Custom > Reports > Select your Campus Folder).

Report Schedule

Login to the training platform (please go to the How to Login Article for more information).

Step 1: Find your campus report. 

  • Path: CSU_PROD > Custom > Reports > Select your Campus Folder

Step 2: Right click on the report name and choose Schedule

Step 3: Click the Create Schedule tab.

  • Change Recurrence Type to Calendar
  • Months: Select months - the month you want to run the report
  • Select Days: Dates  in the month  - the days that correspond to the dates of the virtual ILT session (e.g. 1st, 5th, 14th,)
  • Times: Input hours and minutes (ask the instructor what time they want to get the report, typically 30 minutes prior to the start of the ILT class (e.g. 9:00 a.m. for a 9:30 a.m. start time)
  • Schedule End: Select a date after the last session to stop sending the report

Step 4: Click the Parameters Tab (top right).

  • You shouldn't need to change the parameters. If you do, then we recommend making the changes in the Ad Hoc and converting it into a report. 

Step 5: Click the Output Options tab.

  • Output Locale: en – English
  • Formats: Change to csv (uncheck PDF)
  • Output Destination: Uncheck Output to repository

Step 6: Click the Notifications tab.

  • To: Instructor
  • CC: Anyone that needs to receive the report
  • Subject: Principles of Supervision Completion Report for (Month / Year) Cohort 
  • Message: This is your completion report for the online POS modules for (Month / Year) Cohort 
  • Leave “include Report files as attachments” checked
  • Click Save
  • Name of Report: Principles of Supervision Completion Report for (Month / Year) Cohort
  • Description: Optional
  • Click Save

This concludes how to access the Principles of Supervision Reports. 

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