Cal State Training Resources

Annual Campus Compliance Steps for Success

Updated on

Let’s get this evaluation going! Follow the steps for success below and if you need any assistance, please feel free to reach out to Systemwide LMS team!

Run a Report

Step 1: Login to SumTotal. 

Step 2: Click on the Self Menu > Quick Links > Advanced Reporting.

If you do not see this option, you are not set up with reporting rights, work with your campus admin to get this set up as needed.

Step 3: Once you land on the Advanced Reporting Dashboard, you should see folders on the left-hand side, make sure to expand to see the following tree: CSU Prod > Custom > Reports > Annual Campus Compliance (Presidential Evaluation).

If you do not see these folders, click View > Repository.

Step 4: Click on Annual Campus Compliance (Presidential Evaluation) Folder and locate the Report Heading (Annual Campus Compliance Report). Click on the report to run.

Step 5: Once the report is loaded, (this may take a minute or two, Advanced Reporting sometimes lags when trying to load data sets), click on the filter icon and select your campus from the Company Name drop-down and click Apply. This will load results from your campus (no need to change any other filter!).

Step 6: Once loaded, on the toolbar hover your mouse over the export icon and select an output option (.csv or .xlsx are preferred).

Step 7: This will open a new tab and start the file export process, be patient as the amount of data you have running might take longer to export.

Step 8: Download the report to your desktop and save.

Filtering the Report

Step 1: Once your report has been saved, take the following steps to filter down the report to who needs to complete training by 12/31.

Step 2: Open your report in Excel.

Step 3: Click on the Toolbar Tab Data and Filter (you will see down arrows on the top column headers).

Step 4: Go to the column labeled Requirement Status and click on the down arrow to see the filter option. Deselect Satisfied and click OK. This will filter out all the entries for those that have completed the requirement.

That’s it! You can pull the e-mail addresses directly from the report as needed!

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