Why do I need to complete the required training (SHP, WVP, IIPP, DS, SMPS)?
All Sac State employees—faculty, staff, managers, and students—are required to complete online compliance training as part of their job duties. The CSU requires that employees take certain courses to comply with state and university requirements driven by federal law, state law, or CSU policy. Please see compliance training details.
As a remote part-time employee, do I still need to complete the (WVP/Safety) training?
All Sac State employees—faculty, staff, managers, and students—are required to complete online compliance training as part of their job duties regardless of classification. Please see compliance training details.
I do not work with data; do I still have to take the DS course?
All Sacramento State employees and volunteers/others, regardless of their level of access to data. See compliance training details.
I'm currently on leave, retired, off contract, not hired for this semester—why am I still receiving notifications to complete training?
I’d suggest sending these through to us – it may be because we weren’t notified that they should be on the exempt list or added after we did the mass exemption input. There have been many cases where they are no longer an employee but are showing as active in CMS, and their department needs to connect with HR – employment services.
I am not able to meet this deadline, can I get an extension?
Our system uses automated assignment/reassignment, notifying the user to complete training typically 30 days prior to the deadline. The system does give us the opportunity to adjust or extend the deadline. We ask that you complete your training at your earliest convenience.
San Jose
As a remote part-time employee, do I still need to complete the (WVP/Safety) training?
If you are a fully remote employee, you are exempt from the Workplace Violence Prevention training as employees teleworking from a location of the employee’s choice which is not controlled by the employer would not meet the definition of a "Covered Employer" defined by Senate Bill 553. Regarding IIPP safety training, CalOSHA does not allow for an exemption of remote workers so the IIPP training would still be applicable. Hazard Communication training, however, would not be.
Monterey Bay
Why do I need to complete the required training (SHP, WVP, IIPP, DS, SMPS)?
The trainings are required for all employees as outlined in applicable executive orders, policies, and employment agreements.
As a remote part-time employee, do I still need to complete the (WVP/Safety) training?
Yes, remote employees are required to work on campus from time to time, and it is essential that they understand the content of this training.
I do not work with data; do I still have to take the DS course?
If you believe a course has been mistakenly assigned to you, please contact your appropriate administrator, who can verify with HR.
I'm currently on leave, retired, off contract, not hired for this semester—why am I still receiving notifications to complete training?
We are unable to shut off system notifications while you are still an employee and have an email. If your status has changed and you are no longer employed but still receiving notifications, please contact IT Help at 831-582-4357.
I am not able to meet this deadline, can I get an extension?
Please talk to your appropriate administrator for extension requests.
San Luis Obispo
Why do I need to complete the required training?
The CSU requires that employees/student employees take certain courses to comply with state and university requirements that are driven by federal law, state law or CSU policy.
As a remote part-time employee, do I still need to complete the (WVPP/Safety) training?
All employees/student employees are required to take trainings regardless of their time status.
- I do not work with data; do I still have to take the DS course?
I'm currently on leave, retired, off contract, not hired for this semester—why am I still receiving notifications to complete training?
Employees will continue to receive notifications of required training so long as they remain in an “active” status within the people management system. If you believe your status should not be listed as “active,” please reach out to your appropriate administrator for clarification. If you will remain in an “active” status yet are on a work break, you can reach out to the Compliance Coordinator of the corresponding training for support.
I am not able to meet this deadline, can I get an extension?
We are unable to manually change your certification due date. The due date is based on the original date of assignment, then the completion date thereafter. If the training is not completed by the expiration date you and your manager will receive notifications weekly until the training is complete.
I am not a supervisor, why am I assigned SHPS?
This training is assigned to all faculty, MPP, coaches, any position with “Lead” or “Supervisor” in title, anyone with a reports to, and anyone who supervises student employees.
Employees will continue to receive notifications of required training so long as they remain in an “active” status within the people management system. If you believe your status should not be listed as “active,” please reach out to your appropriate administrator for clarification. If you will remain in an “active” status yet are on a work break, you can reach out to the Compliance Coordinator of the corresponding training for support.
Why do I need to complete the required training (SHP, WVP, IIPP, DS, SMPS)?
All mandatory training is required by federal or state law and/or CSU executive order. -
As a remote part-time employee, do I still need to complete the (WVP/Safety) training?
Yes, all employees must complete the training, including those who are remote, part-time, or consultants. -
I do not work with data; do I still have to take the DS course?
Yes, all employees must complete the data security training, as we are all responsible for protecting CSU data and systems. -
I'm currently on leave, retired, off contract, not hired for this semester—why am I still receiving notifications to complete training?
If you are currently on leave or not working for the semester, please do not complete training until you return. Training is considered compensable time and should be completed during your working hours. If you are retired, but still active in CHRS, your CSU Learn account will be deactivated once your employee record is deactivated. -
I am not able to meet this deadline, can I get an extension?
Unfortunately, we do not adjust deadlines in CSU Learn, as most of them are set on a fixed date for all employees or legally required within a certain period. Please complete the training as soon as possible. If you have any other questions or concerns about completing the training, please speak with your manager.
Systemwide Required Courses Responses
As an employee of the California State University, you are required to complete compliance courses as mandated by federal, state, and local laws, as well as CSU policies.
CSU employees (staff, faculty, and student assistants) are required to complete certain courseware to comply with state and university requirements. These assignments come from a variety of authorities including [campus name] campus requirements, CSU Systemwide requirements, and various federal/state laws and mandates. For more information regarding systemwide training requirements, visit CSYou Compliance Training for CSU Employees.